Do you enjoy watching The AKC National Championship on TV in December? If you love dog shows, you can do more than just watch a kennel club dog show on television. Try attending a local dog show! If you’re a dog show attendee newbie, follow our lead as we provide you with a dog show spectator’s guide.

If you’re a dog show attendee newbie, follow our lead as we provide you with a dog show’s spectator’s guide.
Stay out of the Dog Show Prep Area
Unless you’re invited by a dog show participant, you shouldn’t be entering the dog show prep area. Be mindful that the dogs and their handlers are there on business and they use every bit of their preparation time to groom their dogs and prepare for their performance.
Ask Before You Approach a Dog
We know. Those dogs are so adorable and you just want to bend down and pet them. Resist the urge though. Ask pet handlers of any show dogs before you even consider approaching a show dog. You don’t want to let your excitement for the dogs interfere with grooming or the dog’s pre-show focus.
The Ring is Off Limits
The dog show ring is for the exclusive use of show dogs, their handlers and judges. Spectators can watch the ring events from their designated seating area.

The dog show ring is for the exclusive use of show dogs, their handlers and judges.
Check Photography Rules
Ask kennel club dog show officials if there are any photography rules before you take any pictures of the dogs at the dog show. Most dog shows have specific rules about what is and is not allowed to be photographed.
Winner’s Circle is Roped Off
The winner’s circle is reserved for dogs and their dog handlers. There is typically a professional kennel dog show photographer that takes pictures of dogs in the winner’s circle. Let the dogs and their owners enjoy their moment after they win.
Keep the Treats at Home
We know you’re the type of dog lover that keeps dog treats on hand at the dog park for lovable pups. Keep the dog treats at home when you attend dog shows. Keep food and snacks out of designated areas. The last thing dog handlers need is their show dogs getting a whiff of a dog treat, which can lead to their focus for the show becoming undone.
Stay Alert and Polite
You may be asked to take direction at a moment’s notice by a dog show official. If you’re asked to move out of the way quickly or to step away from a designated area, take the direction with ease and don’t get offended. The dog show officials are working fast to keep things moving so the dog show flows smoothly.

The Roberts Centre’s Eukanuba Field and Royal Canin Ring are the perfect dog show venue. Follow our dog show spectator’s guide.
Get to Know Your Dog Show Venue
Try to find a map and schedule of events online or at the dog show venue so you are familiar with the dog show and the places you’re allowed to be. Check our Eukanuba Field/Royal Canin Ring Upcoming Dog Show Events Calendar to make arranges to attend a dog show.
The Roberts Centre’s Eukanuba Field and Royal Canin Ring are perfect dog show venues, complete with more than 80,000 square feet of flexible meeting space that can accommodate dogs, dog handlers and all the services needed to accommodate a dog show. The Roberts Centre offers the following dog show amenities:
- Hot water dog bathing facilities
- An extra-large and convenient unloading/loading dock
- Agility and obedience equipment
- Ring gating
- Examination tables Ample parking for vehicles and RVs
- A dressed photo area with floral and backdrop
- Handler/exhibitor dressing rooms
The Roberts Centre can host all of your dog show or business event needs. Our event-planning and service-oriented staff can help you with your dog show and event planning needs. Contact us at (937) 283-3272 to schedule your special events today.
Tags: dog show, dog show spectator’s guide, dog show venue, Roberts Centre